Linktree is a great place to organize your URLs or if you use Instagram has become an incredibly popular place to organize your URLs and news stories. If you are a big influencer and want to promote multiple products or stories than Linktree has grown to become a perfect medium that compliments the...

The Ladders for Jobs

A website I just ran across for the first time in years is the Ladders. This is the site that had the famous Super Bowl commercial in 2009 when the theme was recession and jobs. They target higher end job applicants and job prospects.I hadn;t heard of them in years...

How To Write Good Compelling Content

As a digital marketer one of my skill sets that I’m often asked about is how to get things to rank online. The answer in the most simple terms is to write compelling content and follow attributes that you can find in good successful content. Here are 5 things that...